“You have now taught me how to self study.”


Thanks a ton darling for this lovely hand-written note ! It made my day ! You have motivated me to coach more students for self study.

I am so proud of you for the journey you have covered – from being ‘Scared’ or ‘Nervous’ to being a happy ‘Self Learner’ !

Let me make one fundamental correction in your note though – It was not just my efforts , it was the hard work that you put in which eventually paid off. So the bigger credit goes to you. Keep it up and be an awesome self learner!

You can surely come anytime to clear your doubts and I will tell the least as usual 😉 I will help you find the solution yourself.

Here’s what she wrote –

To Priya Aunty,

Feedback –

Thank you for all your effort you have always been giving . You have now taught me how to self study. But, I still will come to clear my doubts.

After you make me understand the topic, (visually) and then if I make a silly mistake, there were 5 more questions waiting for me until the topic is understood and simple to do. You have even got me to get rid of my fear of studying maths! I have received a lot of self-confidence from you! I used to get scared or nervous when I was trying to solve a math problem, thinking that it will be wrong! Now I have become confident with my answer, because of you. Thank you for your effort once again!


Your student,


PS : Arushi joined Maths2Art in 2015 when she was in grade 4.Currently, she is a proud Self Learner student of grade 6.


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