y = mx + c workshop

Can you write your name using this equation?

To ignite curiosity, encourage creativity & nurture intuition of our younger generation , Maths2Art has designed a 2 days introductory workshop.

Come and join us for visual understanding and hands on experience of y = mx + c using desmos!

Suitable for – Grade 8 onwards

Requirements – Laptop/tablet/desktop/mobile to login. This is an online activity.

How to register – Fill this form to register for this 2 days workshop.

Maths2Art journey

During 2014-2015, few of my neighbourhood children approached me for some help in their maths learning. During that mentoring phase I realised that – There is a lot of pain and anxiety associated with Maths education which creates stress for students/parents. This raised many more questions in my head –

  • Why is Maths one of the most hated subjects among the kids as well as adults?
  • Why is it that the mere thought of it makes a few of them uneasy?
  • What can be done to reduce this Math anxiety?

To find answers to these questions, Maths2Art took shape where we focus on eliminating Math anxiety and providing the joy of learning to our younger generation.

I have been researching on “Power of Play in Learning” and have created few resources based on same philosophy for K12 math education system.

My brief introduction

My name is Priya Asthana and I am on a mission to Make Maths Simple & Visual. I did ‘Masters in Mathematics ‘ from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. (2005)

Before starting Maths2Art, I have worked in Investment banks in London, India and Singapore for nearly 6 years. (2006- 2011)

I learnt machine learning and joined NTU ( Nanyang Technological university ) as research analyst in 2015 in the area of Sentiment Analysis. I came out of NTU to pursue my passion towards improving the quality of math education for K12 level. Since then, I have been making Maths simple & visual at Maths2Art.

Few sample submissions

Once the students have visual understanding of y = mx + c, they can change the slope/intercept of line as per the need of their project. 

Take a look at our assignment here – https://maths2art.com.sg/2020/06/29/y-mx-c-art-projects/

And, here are few sample submissions by our workshop attendees.

The idea/purpose behind our workshop is to develop visual understanding of the basic concepts so that Mathematics makes sense for students in long run.

Using these visual, interactive and engaging activities we aim to provide every child ‘Joy of Learning’.

4 thoughts on “y = mx + c workshop

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    1. You can go to Desmos.com and try to write your name there using straight line equations. We can have one session on demos if it is needed. Or, I can try to record a video clip to give you idea of how does it work.


  1. My school (MCHS MAIN KADAPA)students are enrolled mam.I think via nagendra sir ji Saturday you confirmed session. Ok .thank you mam.
    This is Suresh Basvi
    Mchs Main Kadapa


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